Youth and Family





Kids come in many sizes and families are a diverse and loving gift of God - Holy Communion welcomes ALL to Worship, Learn, Love, and Serve! Holy Communion offers many opportunities for kids and families to be involved.

Sunday School at Holy Communion

Welcome to a new year of Sunday School! All teachers are excited to have the children back in classes this year, including those who are new.

Sunday School classes begin in September. Children will begin in church at 9:30 am and will be dismissed for choir, return after the sermon for communion, and then be dismissed to Sunday School . 

Jonah & the Whale Bible Story Mural

Jonah and the Whale is one of the many Bible stories depicted in murals painted by the late David Holmes, a local artist and UW-Parkside professor. These murals were dedicated to the late Katharine E. Jensen.


2015 Youth Gathering – Rise Up2015 Youth Gathering Participants2015 Youth Gathering Participants2015 Youth Gathering Participants2015 Youth Gathering Participant

National Youth Gathering

Middle and High School kids can attend the ELCA National Youth Gathering held in the summer every other year.  The Gathering brings together thousands of high-school-age Lutherans from across the country and overseas for faith formation, worship, fellowship, and service.  This is a chance for youth to travel with friends along with adult chaperones to another city where they will do service projects and attend worship events as well as do some sightseeing.  The Gathering was canceled for 2022 but is back on for 2024 in New Orleans!


Are you ready for an opportunity and experience of a lifetime? We sure hope so…and on July 16-20, 2024, we’re inviting you to join us as we travel to New Orleans for the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering. Over 30,000 + youth and their adult leaders will gather for a time of faith formation which will include time spent in an awesome interactive learning/fun center, worship and Bible study with amazing speakers and musicians, and service and fellowship events. These Youth Gatherings only occur every three years so we’re hoping you’ll be able to be a part of this awesome adventure!

Here are some of the details (we will have an informational meeting later in the summer, but wanted to get this out to you so you can prayerfully consider joining us):

All youth who will be entering 8th-12th grade in the fall are invited to participate.

The registration deadline is September 10, 2023, which includes a non-refundable deposit of $375.

The actual estimated cost for each person is $1000-$1200 (including flights, hotels, and meals)…so please know that there will be fundraising and each participant will be expected to participate. If we do not earn enough money from fundraising the total out-of-pocket cost will go above the initial $375.

Please take a look at for further details.

These Youth Gatherings truly have the potential to be life-changing!

If you have any questions, please contact one of the pastors.



Youth Ministry Zone

Pastor Mark and Pastor Laura meet with our youth groups on Sundays, from 11:00 - 12:00.  The schedule is usually the same, but it is a good idea to check the calendar for any changes.


2nd - 5th Grade Youth Group (Will usually meet the first Sunday)

All of our 2nd - 5th graders are invited to join the pastors in the Youth Room for some Popcorn and Playtime.

6th - 8th Grade Youth Group (Will usually meet the second Sunday)

All of our 6th - 9th graders are invited to join Pastor Laura and Pastor Mark for an awesome and amazing time of fun, fellowship and learning.  Snacks will be provided.

Confirmation Class (Will usually meet on the third Sunday)

All of our 8th grade (and older) youth who wish to prepare to confirm their faith meet with Pastor Mark and Pastor Laura from 11:00 - 12:00 for a time of learning and deepening their faith through Bible and catechetical time, and some fun and game time too!  Snacks will be provided, but please bring your Bible.

High School Youth Group (will usually meet on the fourth Sunday)

All of our 9th - 12th graders are invited to join the pastors for a time of fun and fellowship and also to plan for future youth events, mission trips, and gatherings.  We need you and your input and look forward to hanging out, brainstorming, and just having a good time with you!  Snacks will be provided.



Vacation Bible School


Vacation Bible School is ALWAYS AWESOME!    We have lots of fun as the kids learn about Jesus through stories, songs, games, and crafts. VBS is offered in the summer to grade school children.  You can check out more of our pictures from VBS on our Facebook page. 

Vacation Bible School Participants Vacation Bible School Participants Vacation Bible School Participants